While researching music earlier today I kept getting taken down different roads from the samples, covers, and artists that I was listening to. It all started by looking for Betty Wright covers of "Tonight Is The Night," then to the samples, and eventually I ended up at El Chicano. I've always enjoyed the sounds of El Chicano throughout the years. From the days growing up when my parents would play their records and CD's on weekend mornings, Sunday BBQ's, family functions, or just driving around in the car. They were a big part of my childhood and teen years growing up. Mainly the hits though. As the years went by and my music knowledge began to expand, I still am surprised out how many albums and songs from catalogues I thought I had gone thru, that I have yet to discover or hear.
"Tell Her She's Lovely" is an El Chicano staple. It was on the Latin Oldies compilations and it's usually on any given playlist compiled of Latin Oldies or similar sounds. Great song and it sounds as good as it did from back in the day. However, today I discovered that El Chicano's version is in fact a cover. Mind blown. I researched a bit more to make sure that wasn't an error and all signs led to writer David Batteau being credited with the creation of the track. Batteau released a 1973 collaboration album with his brother Robin titled "Batteaux," that includes the original "Tell Her She's Lovely." I also found some info saying the album was released in 1971 but most say 1973, so I can't confirm the true release date for it. El Chicano's version was released in 1973 and the writer credited is Dave Batteau since he's the original composer.

The original version is stunningly great and compliments what El Chicano would eventually release. The beauty of researching music and discovering gems continues to pay off on the daily. And as much as it feels good to find good music, sharing it with everyone else is an additional pay off. Enjoy.......
(Here is a link to someone who posted the original up on YouTube)