Does anyone remember "Squirt TV"? MTV's short lived talk show was hosted by teenage Jake Fogelnest and apparently actually filmed in his bedroom. When it was on I didn't know if that was just the set up and it was filmed in a studio or if they actually filmed it from his house.
If you were like myself and grew up in the 90s, MTV's glory days of programming, you had the chance to come across a multitude of shows dealing with music, comedy, fashion, and sports. MTV was still focused on music at the time so it all tied in somehow. We're talking the days of "The State," "Spawn," "Oddville," "Beavis and Butthead," "Daria," and many more. "Squirt TV" was not around for long. I don't recall if it was a nightly show or strictly a Friday night show during its run. To me, it always felt like a Friday night show and the thing I mostly remember about it was one time they had some call in contest and the prize was a cassette tape of the New Jersey Drive sdtk. It was so random. The show was supposed to be low budget and very public access-like, which is how the show originally started before MTV picked it up. If you do some digging on YouTube you'll come across other "Squirt TV" clips featuring Cypress Hill, Liz Phair, The Beastie Boys, Beck, and comedians Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider. But the gem available (via Youtube users who uploaded clips and not MTV/Viacom or course), is the one featuring The Fugees performing "Fu-Gee-La," followed by "How Many Mics," as the credits roll. The Fugees were just about to blow up and live out the peak of their career, and to see them on such a low key show gives all the feels of the 90s you could imagine.
(Don't mind the 1994 date on the clip, it's from 1996. 1994 is when the show started but 96 was when MTV became involved)